Monday, September 20, 2010

battle of dreams

Two dreams dwelled in a mind, to each other‘s presence they were unkind.
They swam in unison through an ocean, of thoughts drenched in commotion.
Trying to slay the other in a feud, bitter and vehement cut-throat and rude.
The battlefield (the mind) was bloody; the very soil on fire was withering already.

As one dream shot arrows into the sky, the other unleashed it’s beasts with a war cry.
The arrows dug into the enemy’s hide, the beasts trampled their souls in a single tide.
They fought day and night with an ardor unabated, and bloodshed prevailed perpetually intended.
No peace, no forgiveness and mercy sore, anarchy and murder existed encore.

The battle field bore the deadly war; throbbing with pain it developed a scar.
It failed to yield any fertile thought, and stole the very happiness it sought.
What a battle of dreams it was, that left the battlefield barren and cross,
The battle of dreams that’s everywhere, is a direction given to the end nowhere.

Oh Battlefields please come to life, and end this ubiquitous vicious strife.
The battle of dreams will surely end, against willpower and hope in a blend.
The battle of dreams will surely die, in the very thoughts where they lie.
Because the battle of dreams is but, a result of choices which we keep shut.

Kill the battle of dreams my friend, with a tough choice you make in the end.
So peace prevails in the battlefield, transformed into an oasis of creative yield.